Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Back to the Future Day

Ok so this post is slightly unrelated to animation, but as this is the day that Marty McFly travles to the future in what is one of my favourite film series of all time, I thought I'd post some BTTF related art I've done over whilst at college. 

This first piece is based on a design by Billie Jean for Nike shoes, when given a brief to design posters for a Future Everything festival I came up with the idea of doing a similar thing to Billie Jean's design, only with the shoes from BTTF Part II as they were also Nike. In Billie's original design, he had many doodles of 80's iconography as the shoes he was promoting were originally from the 80's however I chose to take props from the film and use them instead. In the original design, it was going for a back of the exercise book doodle page kind of feel which I originally tried, however I then decided to fit the Future Everything feel better to future it up a bit more and combine it with the design style of TRON Legacy:

Combining the Nike MAG with the Tron Grid helped to give atruly 80's optimistic futuist outlook to the image which I was going for, also the amount of glowing effects used helped heavily in covering up my being a novice in Photoshop at the time.
Based on the work of the designer Florey, I created these images of the character Marty McFly in both his 1985 and his 2015 costumes. The style was extremely vectorised and simplistic and I found the style fun to work in.

 On a slightly more animation related note, during Foundation, we were given the project of a Visual Self Portrait, and so I at first decided to illustrate moments from my life, this scene in particular was from a few years ago when I went to a McBusted concert, and they burst onto the stage in a flaming delorean after a BTTF inspired VT explaining how Busted and McFly formed McBusted after the Busted split. About halfway though producing the image I decided to mess around with the timeline/ animation setting on photoshop and created an animated Gif of the scene after Matt and James step out of the car. The silhouettes of the McFly members were added in for effect, as they weren't actually in these positions on the tour.

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