Wednesday, 22 March 2017


We were given the task to create an idea for TV series, short film, feature film, video game or animation of any kind, and to create a pitch bible to pitch the project as well as to actually present your pitch to our tutors as if they were the client. Immediately I knew that I wanted to create an animated television series as I enjoy watching these myself the most, as I like the serialised storytelling that a series allows for. I also enjoy spending time with the same characters and really getting to know them, as opposed to a film where you would only get between 90 and 120 minutes.
The type of shows that I enjoy watching, and so, would enjoy making are quite action centric with serialised content, however I knew that I wanted to try something a little different and avoided creating a typical superhero show. I tried to think of something different, something that would inspire me, and so I looked to dance. I’ve always enjoyed dancing, and attended dance lessons when I was younger, and so I noticed the link between dancing and fight scenes, it was all choreography, so I decided that I would play on the idea that dance was a type of martial art. I always liked the concept of martial arts allowing people to unlock special abilities, channelling their chi, and so I decided that in the world of my show, dancing would allow people to channel a dance energy, I would later name this energy Salto, after the Latin word for dance.
To further my idea of dance being this world’s equivalent of martial arts, I decided that I would have 6 main characters, all proficient in a different style of dance, that would all harness the power of Salto in different ways, similar to all the different practices of martial arts. To start there would be a team of 5 dancers, who would recruit a sixth member to the group. This new character would be the person the audience follows as they are new to the whole world of Salto and would discover things as the audience does. After doing some research I chose the 6 different dance practices that I wanted my series to follow and then based my characters around them; ballet, tap, street dance, Bollywood/ bhangra, capoeira and house dance were the styles I chose.
I consciously chose to have the genders of the dancers be the opposite to what people would expect such as have a male ballet dancer or a female tap dancer to help break stereotypes that people may have about dancing. Additionally, the show would be for both genders and so would have 3 boys and 3 girls on the team. Originally I wanted to be different and have more girls on the team than boys but decided to even it out so to not reinforce the idea that dancing is only for girls. The idea of the show would be to encourage kids to dance and be more active, and would even feature a dance lesson in each episode, where the audience can learn a move alongside Kayley being taught a move to defeat the villain of the episode.
Next I decided to come up with the threat which the team will be taking on and so I toyed between the idea of either an evil dancer or technology of some kind. I decided to combine the two and have the villains be a tech corporation that is ruled over by someone with a clear tie to dance, but who’s origins will be revealed to the team at a later time. When deciding the name of the company I chose the name Malum Corp. as Malum is the Latin word for evil, as well as being Latin for Apple which I thought sort of fit since Apple is one of the company’s that Malum Corp. would parody.
The leader of the group is Liam the ballet dancer is who is unsure about his role as leader, I knew that I wanted a boy to be the leader to further help further the idea that boys can dance to, yet I didn’t want him to be bossy and controlling. I also knew that I wanted the lead character to be a girl and so I chose to have the house dancer be Kayley, the new member of the group. As house dance is a style of dance that incorporates many other styles and so I thought this would be a good style for her to master in, as she will benefit from learning the moves from the other team members. I made the street dancer a girl, Ally, who would have a relationship with Liam and encourage him when he doubts himself. The Capoeira dancer is called Davi who is the comic relief of the group, and then the tap dancer, Jenny, is stuck up and thinks she is better than everyone, for being classically trained, and finds Davi’s presence a continuing annoyance. Lastly, there is Pranit who is the Bollywood/ Bhangra dancer and I the quiet member of the group who is happy to follow by example.
Another part of my show that would help set it apart are the backgrounds being used. I wanted my show to have the look and feel of musical stage show and so I want the backgrounds to feel like a stage set. My background is made up of different backdrops/ set pieces that are all on different planes positioned on Toon Boom in a 3D space, using the multiplane feature. Additionally the show will show the different set pieces moving on and off the stage/ in and out of frame around my characters action, like a set change in a show, to help further the desired feel.

In conclusion, I am quite happy with how my show I was able to develop a show, am satisfied with the result, am looking forward to revisiting this project at some point in the future, and further exploring this world again.

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