Wednesday, 17 February 2016


We have been asked to create some thumbnails of the script which are quick rough storyboards

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Chraracter Designs

We were tasked with creating designs for the script we were given. After reading Creating Characters with Personality by Tom Bancroft, I decided that as the characters in the script were vague, I would create character descriptions for each of my characters so to give me more to work with when I design them.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016


Here are the backgrounds that I designed for the Red Baron's New Toys
Castle Exterior
I wanted to set my script in a modern day city with Superhero theming, so I chose to have the Red Baron's, my show's main villain, Castle as a skyscraper.
Throne Room - Throne View
My Baron has a very modern, minimalist approach to design with a Metallic throne, floor and walls. There is a red carpet along the floor which extends to the Throne. There are TV monitors all over showing the Baron's interest in technology. Finally there is an emblem on the back wall representing the character's vanity.
Throne Room - Door View
There are more TV screens here as well as a grandfather clock, and stools that are dictated in the script.
Throne Room 3/4 View